Emotional Freedom Techniques
Emotional Freedom Techniques [EFT] for a Mean Cat

Nancy Lowe, L.Ac., Santa Cruz
30 May 2011
Hanna is a cat that came from the pound and was considered unadoptable because she would lash out after the briefest physical contact.
Ten years ago she was placed with a loving home and has continued to be stand offish with frequent aggressive behavior when touched for more then a few seconds. She did like to be around the family and didn’t run or hide from people but refused all but the briefest petting.
It occurred to me to try EFT on her, using the surrogate technique. That means tapping for someone [or an animal] by tapping on a surrogate. I tapped on myself for Hanna.
First I tapped while talking about Hanna, then talking to her and finally while talking as Hanna. I tapped for about 10-15 minutes while I was taking a walk around the neighborhood.
“God only knows what the neighbors think and what they would think if they knew what I was really doing!”
I let the cat’s owner know that I had tapped for Hanna and to watch for any changes in her behavior. A couple days later I was told that for the first time in her life, Hanna has jumped up into the kids lap and sat there contentedly.
One of the kids asked me when the evil Hanna will return, not trusting that this new behavior will last.
We will see what happens over time but as wacky as it sounds, I feel confident that Hannas issues with physical contact have been resolved.
Emotional Freedom Techniques [EFT] is truly a wonderful tool and I feel so blessed to have found it. I would love to share this amazing modality with you and we can use it for just about anything.
If you are stuck somewhere in your life, and would like to change that, contact me for a free consultation to find out if Emotional Freedom Techniques is right for you.
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